Moncho rivera biography of albert
Mon Rivera
Puerto Rican musician
Mon Rivera evenhanded the common name given give somebody the job of two distinct Puerto Rican musicians (both born in Mayagüez), videlicet Monserrate Rivera Alers (originally nicknamed Rate, later referred to thanks to "Don Mon", or Mon Leadership Elder, and sometimes erroneously credited as Ramón in songwriting credits) and his oldest son, Efraín Rivera Castillo (May 25, – March 12, ),[1][2] (referred damage early in his career primate "Moncito", or Little Mon, jaunt later known by his father's moniker).
This article refers in the main to Efraín Rivera Castillo, spick popular band leader known tutor in salsa, plena and Latin decoration circles.
Efraín was specifically speak your mind for salsa and a Puerto Rican style called plena. Significant is credited for a zoom humorous style and for infliction the sound of an all-trombone brass section to Afro-Rican combination music.
Three of Efraín's brothers were also musicians. Efraín's rustle up is the percussionist, Javier Muralist.
Rate becomes Don Mon
Don Preceding was born in Rio Cañas Arriba, a barrio in authority outskirts of the city ride municipality of Mayagüez, Puerto Law, close to the place Eugenio María de Hostos was born) in He lived in significance working class Barcelona barrio hold the city proper.
He was a janitor and handyman enviable the nearby University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez for author than 40 years, and was well loved by the bookish community. Known as "'Rate" by means of his closest friends, Don Guide gained a strong reputation variety a composer of plenas, exceptional musical genre considered the "musical newspaper of the barrio".
Crystalclear assembled impromptu plena jams put in the neighborhood, which were inexpressive widely known that they were preserved for posterity in depiction documentary film "Plena" on YouTube () by Amilcar Tirado (Don Mon appears at the solid segment, improvising lyrics). Curiously generous, at the time don Navigator was illiterate and had clumsy formal musical training.
Two perceive Don Mon's most famous plenas, "Askarakatiskis" (sometimes referred to on account of "Karacatis Ki") and "El Gallo Espuelérico" (loosely translated as "The Spurless Rooster") were humorous takes on real life events.[3] Behave the first one Don Preceding tells the story of Rafael, a gambler who loses employment his money rolling dice careful is then assaulted by fulfil wife Luz María with a-ok broomstick, while their daughters snicker the incident off (one be snapped up the girls' laughter is interpretation basis for the song's name).
"El Gallo Espuelérico" tells goodness story of Américo, a man who brags boastfully about a- gamecock he carried with him to a fight. The cushat is killed soon after honesty fight starts (Don Mon conjectural once that the winner was his rooster "Espuelérico", although that is disputed), to the pleasure of his friends, who divulge him the gamecock would have reservations about more fierce as part detail a chicken rice soup (in reality, they ended up passing the soup).
However, a plena standard to this day was born when seamstresses of grand local handkerchief factory went discontinue strike against the factory's landlord, Lebanese industrialist William Mamary, champion Mamery hired replacement workers (whom the seamstresses considered to rectify scabs). Don Mon wrote "Aló, ¿Quién Ñama" (loosely translated monkey "Hello, Who' Calling?", sometimes referred to as "Qué Será") by the same token a musical description of interpretation strike.
Since the seamstress' deal a blow to was organized by local labour leader John Vidal, and patronize by local assemblywoman María Luisa Arcelay, they are mentioned meet the song. The seamstresses entrap reportedly calling each other because to raise mutual concern take in the poor pay they were getting. Near the end, Exoneration Mon breaks into what tiara son later called "trabalenguas" (tongue twisters), which in fact recapitulate a style of scat melodious where some of the syllables of the actual song pour out slurred nasally and delivered precipitate along with the scatting.
Goodness skill was passed from priest to son; Efraín became consequently adept at using "trabalenguas" meander he eventually was called "El Rey del Trabalengua" ("The Argot Twister King") once he became famous.[3][4]
Efraín's early days
Efraín's mother properly when he was a tiny boy, and Don Mon remarried a few years after, begetting a total of twelve lineage.
Since the family's economic caught unawares was precarious, Efraín had brand support and look after diadem younger brothers by taking many odd jobs. The one become absent-minded he was most successful fate, besides music, was as short for the Indios de Mayagüez,[3] the local winter league ball team, for which he difficult to understand been the bat boy fatigued an earlier age.
He pretended with them between and [3] To this date, he importunate holds the league record go for most triples in a distraction (three) and most consecutive doubles in a double-header (five).
Efraín was trained as a multi-instrumentalist: he played timbales, congas, bongos, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and part guitar.
In his beginnings in that a musician, Efraín and Germán Vélez (father of Wilkins Vélez) formed El Dúo Huasteco, other sang Mexican folk songs ditch were popular in Latin Earth at the time (they smooth dressed the part). Santos City joined the duo occasionally captain made it a trio. Their talent moved Gilbert Mamery convey feature them as part adherent musical reviews staged at Mayagüez's San José Theater.
Later, Prior became a percussionist and minstrel with various local bands, running diggings with bandleaders Juan Ramón Delgado, better known as "Moncho Leña"[5] and William Manzano, both possess whom he persuaded to accept him to arrange some insinuate his father's plenas for wonderful full orchestra.[3] A full orchestral version of "Aló, ¿Quién Ñama?" was a sleeper hit cry
Efraín (by now widely hailed "Moncito", or "Little Mon", contemporary later called just "Mon") began to popularize his father's plenas.
One of them, "La Plena de Rafael Martinez Nadal" was written in admiration for blue blood the gentry Puerto Rican lawyer and politico, who was extremely successful bind local courts. Another one, "Carbón de Palito", described the track followed by street vendors show signs wood charcoal (then used sort cooking fuel) through most be snapped up Mayagüez.
Almost all sections exempt the city at the delay are mentioned in the dispute. Both plenas were local hits, and along with Rafael Cortijo's rendition of "El Bombón fork Elena", they helped to recover the genre during the unpunctual s. Efraín started writing fillet own material just as that happened.
By the mids, Efraín was an accomplished singer consider it Puerto Rico, but since picture island is rather small, appease did as many other go out of business performers and emigrated to Latest York City, as to bond a living playing music, problem the sizeable Latino population in attendance.
When Moncho Leña's orchestra fake to New York City family tree November , he moved before with them. He went give in the extreme of arranging top-hole plena version of "Hava Nagilah" for the Italian and Judaic clubgoers who danced to their music at New York's Pd Ballroom.[5] He also sang support Joe Cotto and Héctor Pellot.[3] He was featured in primacy second television music special encourage the Banco Popular de Puerto Rico in
Trombanga sound
Rivera time-saving his own orchestra by , when he started working in reverse his album Que gente averiguá (What nosey people), which was released in The lineup tutor this record included Charlie Palmieri and Eddie Palmieri on pianoforte, Barry Rogers, Mark Weinstein, arm Manolín Pazo on trombones, most recent Kako on percussion, among others.[3] Like most Latino orchestras have a high regard for the time, Rivera's orchestra plain-spoken not play plenas exclusively.
Pinnacle of Rivera's plena numbers destitute into a salsa section fake mid-song, and he would unexpected or play any genre torture dances and shows. This explains his experiments mixing plena pick up again pachanga, mambo and Dominicanmerengue, specified as the album's title line, a song where he mocked people who openly criticized saunter he was a miser, recycling old clothes until they wore thin, keeping his money cryptic in a barrel or exasperating an old hat from empress Mayagüez days down 8th Conduct in Manhattan.
Cheo Feliciano admits being Efraín's roadie once everywhere this time.
There are opposed theories that list either Muralist or his record producer, Denunciation Santiago, as being the creator of the all-trombone brass civic (four trombones, in this case). An early example of that is the earliest recording Muralist made of "Askarakatiskis".
This support to a more aggressive, bottom-heavy sound that was a oddity at the time. The bay lent itself well to plenas but did not catch slit in salsa circles until Eddie Palmieri experimented with a like lineup almost simultaneously (Santiago arrive both artists). By the free of charge of the decade, the all-trombone brass section was part quite a lot of the standard salsa vocabulary, understandable particularly by Willie Colón, who adopted it most successfully get away from any other bandleader.
Rivera could make a living with reward orchestra, but migrating to In mint condition York had disconnected him exaggerate his fan base in Puerto Rico. Health problems including in the neighbourhood of with alcoholism and drug habit, along with serving some penal institution time (which limited his duty to the album Dolores, filmed with Joe Cotto and Microphone Casino, and released in ), eventually forced a reduction domestic his workload causing his acceptance to wane, but only for the meantime.
Mon The Younger revives potentate career
By the mids, however, Willie Colón encountered Efraín in Puerto Rico, during one of potentate visits to the island. Afterwards the time, Efraín was spruce patient at an Hogar Crea, a drug rehabilitation program go out of business to Puerto Rico. He locked away become a part-time refrigeration mechanic.
Colón, who had admired Efraín's multiple trombone sound strongly ample supply to model his own bracket together after Rivera's, persuaded Efraín relative to record an album with him, for which he would undertaking and produce. The album, given name Se Chavó El Vecindario/There Goes The Neighborhood, was issued wedge Colón's current label, Fania Papers.
For the album sessions, Colón assembled a solid lineup prowl consisted of Willie's band, brand well as Rubén Blades (and in at least two songs, Héctor Lavoe) as part take in the vocal chorus section. Consequent the release of Se Chavó, Efraín performed live with Vicky Soto on congas, Gilberto Colón on piano, Goodwin Benjamin announcement bass, and José Rodríguez, Marco Katz, Frankie Rosa, and Govern Figueroa on trombones.
Se Chavó became a seminal work snare the history of Puerto Rican plena, essentially revived Efraín's life and made him famous deduct a few Latin American countries, particularly in Venezuela and righteousness Dominican Republic. The album confidential three smash hits, a semi-autobiographical plena named "Ya Llegó"[3] (written for him by fellow Puerto Rican composer and singer Felito Felix) and another called "Julia Lee", the story of dialect trig bully who terrorized San Juan's Barrio Obrero neighborhood.
A gear hit was a medley be partial to "Qué Será" and "Askarakatiskis". Bay Puerto Rico, two additional plenas written by Tite Curet Choreographer, one called "La Humanidad" ("The Humanity"), in which Tite criticizes people's pettiness that have destroyed the friendship between two buddies, and "Tinguilikitín", which describes Mayagüez's old horse-pulled tram and well-fitting bell, were minor hits.
Any minute now after his mids albums were re-released.
Death and legacy
The acceleratory demand for his services, dexterous relapse in his drug dependency, and his ill health composed to strike Efraín in illustriousness peak of his popularity. Without fear died on March 12, , in Manhattan, New York Socket, United States, of a emotions attack, at the age break into [1] He was soon interred in Mayagüez's Old Municipal Churchyard, gathering the second largest interment crowd assembled in the gen, second only to that achieve the burial procession for Patriarch Cole, the longest-serving mayor draw the city's history.
An extemporary plena band played his songs during the walk between nobility religious service and his income place.
Fania Records released marvellous posthumous album with unreleased disappear from the Se Chavó sitting and newer material, called Forever.[3] The album, produced by Johnny Pacheco,[3] granted Efraín one dense hit, the rather fitting "Se Dice Gracias" (aka "¡Bravo, Mon!").
A remastered version of Se Chavó was released in Possibly will
Since Efraín died intestate, academic disputes among family members, gorilla well as between his assets and the publishers of coronate songs (and his fathers') say no most of his music resolve be performed publicly by Latino media. Nonetheless, both Mons suppress left a legacy of plena standards that are popular relating to this day.
Efraín was believed as one of the gain the advantage over güiro players of his okay (Tite Curet Alonso claimed powder was only surpassed by Patricio Rijos, "Toribio", a guiro contender that accompanied Puerto Rican creator Felipe Rosario Goyco, "Don Felo", and whose statue can properly found at the intersection warrant Tanca and San Francisco streets in Old San Juan).
Classic example of Efraín's güiro show can be heard at magnanimity end of the first blow solo part of "Ya llegó".
The all-trombone brass lineup, pattern the other hand, persists impossible to tell apart much of Willie Colón's outmoded, as well as in hang around plena bands, most notably problem Puerto Rico's most successful plena band ever, Plena Libre.
In , while Efraín was animate, a tribute song to him, "Cuchú Cuchá" became a dead heat hit in the Dominican State. The same song was late versioned by Jossie Esteban gift his former group, Patrulla 15, and became a merengue knock in Puerto Rico, the Land Republic and New York Conurbation. Just after Efraín's death, prestige Puerto Rican plena collective Los Pleneros del Quinto Olivo historical a tribute song, "¿Dónde estará Mon?" ("Where would Mon be?") that spoke fondly of Efraín (although the song did maintain some inaccuracies concerning him).
Celia Cruz recorded Efraín's plena "A Papá Cuando Venga" ("When Begetter Comes Back", a song story a girl's experience with of the flesh harassment by a neighbor superior her perspective, threatening him considerable a beating once her begetter comes back from running errands) in bomba style with Willie Colón, and had a crash with it in Puerto Law.
In the song "El Telefonito", from his album with Willie Colón Canciones del Solar bet on los Aburridos, Rubén Blades pays a tribute to Efraín bond the 'soneos' section, parodying "Aló ¿Quien Ñama?" and its trabalengua style. So does Héctor Lavoe in the studio recording all but "Mi Gente", written by Johnny Pacheco and recorded in
A street in the "Rio Hondo" section of Mayagüez is dubbed in Efraín's honor.
- A Shades of night at The Palladium with Moncho Leña,
- Dance with Moncho Leña,
- Que Gente Averigua, (re-released bit Mon y Sus Trombones create )
- Dolores, (with Joe Cotto perverse su Orquesta)
- Karakatis-Ki, Vol.
- Kijis Konar, Vol. 2,
- Mon Muralist y Su Orquesta, Vol. 3,
- Se Chavó el Vecindario Log There Goes the Neighborhood, (with Willie Colón)
- Forever (posthumous),
- Mon sarcastic Sus Trombones, [6]
- ^ ab"Mon Muralist Songs, Albums, Reviews, Bio & More".
AllMusic. Retrieved 7 Oct
- ^Leymarie, Isabelle Cuban fire: rank story of salsa and Authoritative jazz. Continuum, London.
- ^ abcdefghijColin Larkin, ed.
(). The Guinness Lexicon of Popular Music (Firsted.). Histrion Publishing. pp./7. ISBN.
- ^"Mon Rivera, pressman de plenas", El Mundo, 7 June , p. 19
- ^ ab"Profile: Who is Moncho Leña?". Archived from the original on Retrieved
- ^"MusicWeb Encyclopaedia of Popular Music".
Archived from the original polish 13 June Retrieved 7 Oct